
真品手工茶 野生全营养

green leaf plant in close up photography

茶缘茶, 产自中国武夷山脉自有的野放老茶园, 地处三江源头, 海拔近千米, 不使用任何农药、化肥 和除草剂。 茶缘坚持独立全手工制作六大茶类(绿、 白、 黄、青、红、黑)。

茶乃不死之物,在野化生长过程中采集了天地的阴阳(日月光华与地的寒热之气)与五行(金、木、水、火、土属性的各种营养元素)等能量。茶缘将六 大类茶当作有生命的固态酵素来制作,并且在制茶过程中以人类与生俱来的中和之气,和合其天地精华、去除对现代人体健康不利的因素与寒气,保留了各类茶自身特点的同时,又不失去阴阳五行能呈的平衡, 用现代科学的语言来说,就是完整保留了人体所需的各种营养元素,至少包括12种酵素、12种益生菌、13种微昌元素、16种维生素、20种氨基酸等等(目前我们只有在野生人参中才能对标发现这些同类全面的营养成份)等等。

茶缘茶不仅纯净、营养齐全, 而且还充分体现了 各类茶独特的香气、口感与功效, 让大家在享受美好生活的同时也越发健原, 重新焕发青春的活力和生命的喜悦。



Discover what our clients think about our tea

I discovered I had food poisoning, after explaining what they do for my stomach upset, they served me tea from this digestive tea, and I begin to feel better immediately, that night I rested well and the other day I'm back 100%,and back to myself full of energy and full of life, I recovered so well that I wanted to meet Timothy the founder, I learned so much, because I was interested in improving the health of my patients, and I was looking for a better way to treat them without side effects and medication, and I was directed to this shop by the universer whomever God.

Riley Perry Lloyd, M.D.

I had shortness of breath suddenly, I found it difficult to breathe,When I drank the first cup of tea offered by the teacher to me, I felt my chest was no longer so tight, the shortness of breath was resolved, and I drank the second cup of tea, I felt the energy in the five internal organs come back, the Qi replenished, I thought it's so amazing, after the third cup, I sweat all over my body, the meridians in the body were unblocked. The fourth cup I feel all the blockages in the stomach and intestines gone, it detoxed, the tea therapy was very magical.

Zhang Huaning




